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King James I of England (and VI of Scotland) like all his Stuart heirs (Charles II, James II, Mary II, William III and Queen Anne) happily funded the slave trade and, in the case of the later Stuart monarchs (and three quarters of the British Nobility) made absolute fortunes in it! Contrary to 'some' strange 'opinions' James was most certainly not 'fond' of black africans but treated the few he got his hands on with abysmal cruelty. On his marriage to Queen Anne in the deapth of a Scandanavian winter, he made two of his black slaves dance naked in the snow the better to show up their 'blackness' against the white landscape. They subsequently died of the cold.

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Emmanuel Ward

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2y ago
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2mo ago

Yes, King James I of England was the owner of enslaved people. Like many monarchs and landowners of the time, he owned enslaved individuals as a form of labor on his estates.

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Was King James 1 a slave owner?

King James I of England (and VI of Scotland) like all his Stuart heirs (Charles II, James II, Mary II, William III and Queen Anne) happily funded the slave trade and, in the case of the later Stuart monarchs (and three quarters of the British Nobility) made absolute fortunes in it! Contrary to 'some' strange 'opinions' James was most certainly not 'fond' of black africans but treated the few he got his hands on with abysmal cruelty. On his marriage to Queen Anne in the deapth of a Scandanavian winter, he made two of his black slaves dance naked in the snow the better to show up their 'blackness' against the white landscape. They subsequently died of the cold.

What ruler followed Queen Elizabeth 1?

King James. We have a river named for him right here in Virginia. We did have a town, Jamestown the first capitol of Virginia. There is even a version of the Bible that is named for King James. King James IV and I.

US Constitution the words slave or slavery do not appear in the constitution yet they are certainly referred to it. there are 3 clear references and several other less direct. What are they?

1. The 3/5 clause which says that an enslaved person will only count as 3/5 of a person in the census. 2. ban on middle passage slave trade. 3. fugitive slave clause which says any slave who runs away automatically has to be returned to its owner

What are the 2 compromises made at the Constitutional Convention?

The Great Compromise: Federalism + It was determined that each state would send an equal number of representatives to the Senate, and one representative to the House for each 30,000 residents of the state.3 Compromises on Slavery:The three-fifths law: Southerners wanted their slave population to be counted as well, while Northerners did not. They then agreed that 1 slave would be counted as 3/5 of a 'regular' person.Before 1808, the slave trade could not be amended out of the Constitution.Fugitive Slave Provision: if a slave escaped from a state to another where slavery was illegal, it did not mean the slave was free. The slave should be returned to his owner.

What is the value of a James Garfield gold coin?

James Garfield $1 Presidential Coin