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The discovery of America had both positive and negative consequences for mankind. It led to the exchange of ideas, cultures, and resources between the Eastern and Western hemispheres, which had a profound impact on global development. However, it also resulted in colonialism, the exploitation of indigenous populations, and the loss of countless lives and cultures. Ultimately, the assessment of whether it was a blessing or a curse is subjective and depends on one's perspective.

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It little matters if it helped or didn't help. The Native Americans lost ancestral lands, died by the thousands, and were discriminated against by the European invasion. Man looks for other places to conquer and seek so it was bound to happen.

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Q: Was the discovery of America a blessing or a curse to mankind?
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What is subjugation of Native Americans?

Subjugation of Native Americans was the removal of them from lands wanted by Anglo-Americans for settlement, and forcing them onto reservations. Despite a treaty with the United States entitling them to the lands, settlers were encroaching on the lands.

What are facts about Howard Carter?

1. He discovered the ONLY intact pharaoh tomb (Tutankhamen's) in the early 20s. 2. He was unharmed by the so-called Pharaoh's Curse. 3. He had several conflicts with the Egyptian authorities.

What is the religion of the paiute Indians?

they believed that their god was the one and only god (god Wikinumi) they didn't believe in getting married. they thought that their god would curse them if they did. that is mainly what the Paiute believed in.

Why did Some Americans were arrested in this country for making the sign of cow horns with the first and little finger as it means that someone else is sleeping with your wife?

The sign that you speak of is not just for some offence given. It is a threat sign sometimes used by the Mafia. It is a general curse sign from ancient times. The symbolism is that of the horned goat or the god Pan (whence we get the word 'panic'). A pagan god symbol it later morphed under the Christian Church to be a sign of the devil, a horned anti-god. The Church deeming all things pagan to be devilish. In modern times the sign may be taken as an insult just as is a cocked finger or fist. Centuries ago you may have been arrested for it as delivering a witches curse to someone else. The meaning of symbols changes over time as cultures and attitudes and beliefs change, the same with words in languages.

Many american in believed that the religious practice called ghost dance would?

stop the white settlement of their land.

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