

What age do goats die?

Updated: 8/11/2023
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12y ago

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Goats, if looked after, can live for 15 years or more.

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Q: What age do goats die?
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Do mountain goats die?

As with all living things mountain goats have what is known as a life span or expectancy. Once this age is reached then they die (probably of old age) although premature (earlier than expected) death may occur.

What age will goats serve its purpose?

thirty five Usually a goat if well looked after will survive for 12 to 15 years but then die of old age.

In the farm has 47 goats, but 26 goats are die. How many goats in the farm left?

21 goats left

When do goats stop growing?

When they are adult goats, over 12 months of age

Can goats die?

Yes. If it is alive it can die!

Age of peuberty for goats?

there is none