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A mule.

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A female donkey bred to a male horse produces a Hinny, the reverse a male donkey bred to a female horse produces a mule.

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10y ago
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9y ago

Zebras and horses are in the same family as donkeys, and these animals do look the same as a donkey. In my perspective.

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Q: What animal has a donkey for mom and horse for dad?
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What is the offspring of a male donkey and a female horse aka MARE?

They are called mules. Because of the cross-breeding, mules are always male. And seeing as this animal is the product of two different species, almost all mules are infertile to prevent the continuation of a so called corrupt gene pool.

Does a donkey protect a horse?

The donkey protects your mom as it is her son.

What is the connection between a kangaroo donkey and mule?

mule is a cross between donkey and horse

What is the role of a dad horse?

the role of the male horse is to gaurde the foal/filly while the mom is out

What is a donkies mom called?

IMPROVED ANSWER:A female donkey is called a jenny or a jennet.A female donkey that is crossed with a stallion (male horse) is called a hinny.

What is an animals mom called?

It depends on the animal. Fore example, a horse's mom is called a dam.