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animals dat eat both plants and animals are called omnivor and some examples are rabbits ( my fave animal ) hores, dogs ( some type ) pigs, chickens, cat, ravens,and skunks.................... hope dat all helped :-)

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10y ago

That would be an 'omnivore', like us humans. We eat salads (plants) and chicken (meat).

Many different animals eat both plants and animals and these animals are called omnivores. Once you start looking into the dietary practices of certain animals you will begin to realize that many enjoy eating different types of animals and different types of plants, an example is a brown bear, brown bears eat berries, and they also eat animals such as fish, rabbits, etc.

An animal that eats other animals - Carnivore

An animal that eats plants - Herbivore

An animal that eats both animals & plants - Omnivore

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10y ago

well first of all, we eat plants and meat (also known as 'omnivore') unless you are a vegetarianor a carnivore! Other animals are baboons and bears.

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12y ago

ASO-kasi ang mga gala na aso ay kumaakain ng meat tapos pag meron silang sakit kumakain sila ng grass

di ba? :P

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Q: What Animals eat other animals and plants?
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Animals the eat both plants and animals?

Animals that eat both plants and animals are called omnivores.

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Animals that eat plants and other aniamls are called omlivor's

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Carnivores are animals who eat other animals. Herbivores are animals who eat only plants. And Omnivores are animals who eat both plants and animals(most humans are omnivores).

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Yes. Animals that eat other animals depend on herbivores for food, which in turn depend on plants.

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