

What animals hunt in packs?

Updated: 8/10/2023
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14y ago

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No bird hunts in a pack. A pack is a pack of wolves, a pack of dogs, but not birds. Birds fly in a flock, sit as a flock in a tree, but they don't "hunt" as a flock. Birds eat bugs and small animals if they are a hawk or an owl. Each acts as an individual.

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12y ago
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15y ago

do me a favor and read a book once in a while. first of all the plural of rabbit is rabbits. second of all rabbits do not hunt anything. they are herbivores and do not eat meat. also, they seldom travel in any form of a pack usually they're independent and travel alone or at a distance from other rabbits.

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15y ago

I don't think they're necessarily called "packs", but yes, rabbits are sociable creatures that depend on their "community" for survival

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14y ago

wolves and sharks do and eels and yellow fishies I don't know the name of

Dogs hunt in packs.

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7y ago

Lions are the only feline that hunts in groups - called prides. Other cats are solitary hunters.

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12y ago

Owls don't travel in packs.

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3y ago

I have seen jacks running together in groups of 6-10 and have followed them for over a mile. They were running in open country alongside a country road. This was in Southern California, east of San Diego.

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