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5 Well Known Ports For Computers:

#80 - HTTP (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol) - Used by browsers (internet Explorer, Firefox, etc.) to talk to web servers and download web pages. [Alternatives = #8080, #8008]
More Info = http:/

#25 - SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) - Used to send and receive emails between mail servers across most networks.
More Info = http:/

#20 - FTP (File Transfer Protocol) - Used to talk to file servers and upload files
More Info = http:/

#6667 - IRC (Internet Relay Chat) - Used for IRC's - real time chat boards, similar to MSN Messenger but with multiple people.
More Info = http:/

#23 - Telnet - Used to gain authorised access to another computer over the internet.
More Info = http:/

More Ports (With Links To More Info):

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  1. NTDS Type A
  2. NTDS Type B
  3. NTDS Type C
  4. NTDS Type D
  5. NTDS Type E
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