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Electricity generation: Geothermal power plants use steam from hot water reservoirs to spin turbines and produce electricity.

Heating and cooling: Geothermal heat pumps use the stable temperature of the ground to provide heating and cooling for buildings.

Direct use: Geothermal energy can be used directly for various purposes, such as water heating, agriculture, industrial processes, wastewater treatment, and infrastructural maintenance.

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Mercy A

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Q: What are the 3 main uses of geothermal energy?
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What is 3 reasons why geothermal energy is a cost efficiency?

geothermal cost money like cost efficiency, it is an expensive price of geothermal, and it has a very big price to pay

What are 3 ways that geothermal energy benefits us?

Once geothermal plants have been set up the energy will:heat houses in the wintercool houses in the summergenerate electricityall without any harmful carbon emissions.

Which energy source contributes the most to climate change?

:) the answer is coal.. <3 kymmie

What nation uses significant amounts of geothermal power?

Here are some countries that use significant amounts of Geothermal power, organized by how much of their total energy is geothermal.Iceland (30%)Philippines (27%)El Salvador (25%)Costa Rica (14%)Kenya (11.2%)New Zealand (10%)Nicaragua (10%)Indonesia (3.7%)Mexico (3%)Italy (1.5%)

What are the advantages of geothermal energy?

The main advantage is that Geothermal is a renewable resource.It may last for centuries.-----Geothermal is renewable and has a low carbon footprint, characteristics it shares with solar and wind power. Geothermal has the additional advantage of being in operation nearly all the time, characteristics it shares with hydro and tidal power.Geothermal power can produce some pollution in the form of gasses coming from deep within the earth, though not all forms of geothermal do this.idk what it is....Advantages:1) Geothermal energy generally involves low running cost where you can save 80%.2) Geothermal energy is renewable because there will always be heat generated below ground.3) No fossil fuels are burned or used during production.4)Dependance on fossil fuels decrease with the increase in the use of geothermalenergy which urges all other companies to adopt a safer cleaner resourceIt will never run out during the life cycle of humans. We will be extinct first.well its environmentally friendy to our earthIt does not pollute the atmoshpere and has little or no harm towards the evnironment or ozone layer.It is a renewable resource

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What is 3 reasons why geothermal energy is a cost efficiency?

geothermal cost money like cost efficiency, it is an expensive price of geothermal, and it has a very big price to pay

What are 5 renewable energies?

1. Solar energy 2. Geothermal energy 3. Wind energy 4. Wave energy 5. Tidal energy

What are the 5 basic kinds of energy?

1) potential energy 2) Kinetic energy 3) Static energy 4) Thermal energy 5) Geothermal energy

What are 3 ways that geothermal energy benefits us?

Once geothermal plants have been set up the energy will:heat houses in the wintercool houses in the summergenerate electricityall without any harmful carbon emissions.

Which energy source contributes the most to climate change?

:) the answer is coal.. <3 kymmie

What is the amount of energy created by geothermal?

Generally for every 100 meters you go below ground, the temperature of the rock increases about 3 degrees Celsius. Therefore, theoretically, The entire world resource base of geothermal energy is potentially larger than the resource bases of coal, oil, gas and uranium combined. However, extracting this energy is not easy because of dissolved salts and minerals in the rock and the difficulty in circulating water through solid rock to extract the heat. In practice the only successful industrial scale extraction of geothermal energy has been in areas of geothermal activity (above shallow magma chambers) such as Iceland, and areas like Yellowstone national park. Iceland is the best example of geothermal energy use because it is situated in an area with a high concentration of volcanoes, making it an ideal location for generating geothermal energy. Over 26% of Iceland's electrical energy is generated from geothermal sources. In addition, geothermal heating is used to heat 87% of homes in Iceland. Iceland is however the exception, and while many companies are 'selling' geothermal heat sources for home heating at the moment, some experts think that this will prove infective in the long term and that realistically geothermal energy will only account for a small percentage of man's energy needs.