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Q: What are the characteristics of jawed cartilaginous fish?
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Among jawed fish you have your bony fish and your cartilaginous fish Which of these is one of the latter?


What are the differences between jaw less fish and cartilaginous fish?

Jawless fish and cartilaginous fish have cartilaginous skeletons, and bony fish have skeletons made from bone. Cartilaginous fish and bony fish both have jaws, paired appendages, and whole vertebrae, and jawless fish lack jaws, paired appendages, and often are without whole vertebrae. Cartilaginous fish can have scales or be naked, jawless fish are naked, and bony fish have scales. Bony fish have swim bladders, and cartilaginous fish do not. Jawless fish, cartilaginous fish, and bony fish all have fins, gills, and dorsal nerve cords that lead to a distinct brain. They all also have postanal tails and notochords.

How many bones are in a stingray's body?

stingrays are cartilaginous ..quick answer : Stingrays have no bones in their bodyThe stingrays are a family---Dasyatidae---of rays and are a cartilaginous fish related to sharks , cartilaginous fish are jawed fish and skeletons made of cartilage rather than bone. The skeleton is cartilaginous. The notochord--A flexible rod-like structure that forms the supporting axis of the body in the lowest chordates and lowest vertebrates and in embryos of higher vertebrates, which is present in the young, is gradually replaced by cartilage.The class Chondrichthyes ( Cartilaginous fish) also lack ribs, so if they left the water, the larger species's own body weight would crush their internal organs long before they would suffocate.since they do not have bones and therefore no bone marrow, red blood cells are produced in the spleen of cartilaginous fish as well as in special tissue around the gonads

An example of a cartilaginous fish?

Cartilaginous fish such as sharks, skates, and rays are vertebrates, whose internal skeleton is made entirely of cartilage and contains no ossified bone. Cartilaginous fish are also known as Chondrichthyes and have one or two dorsal fins, a caudal fin, an anal fin, and ventral fins which are supported by girdles of the internal skeleton.

Cartilaginous fish conduct what?

internal fertalization