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it cannot be operator overloaded.

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Use of scope resolution operator in C programming?

:: operator can not be used in C.

Can the scope resolution operator be overloaded in C plus plus?


Which operator is allow to access hidden global variable?

The scope resolution operator, ::, overrides local scope and allows access to objects that are hidden due to global to local scope rules.

Which operator is used 2 access ahidden global variables?

To access a hidden global variable, use the scope resolution operator ::

How do you use the scope resolution operator in c?

You use the scope resolution operator (::) whenever there is ambiguity as to which function or member you are referring to. For instance, if two functions in two separate namespaces have the same signature, you must use scope resolution to call the correct version of the function. Similarly, when calling a base class method from a derived overridden method, you must use scope resolution to ensure the base class method is called from the override.

Which c plus plus operators cannot be overloaded?

1. Member-of operator (.) 2. Pointer-to-member-of operator (.*) 3. Ternary condition operator (?:) 4. Scope resolution operator (::) 5. sizeof operator 6. typeid operator