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Microscopic creatures such as bacteria, viruses, fungus, and protozoa are studied in microbiology. It is required in a variety of sectors such as health, agriculture, and environmental science. Microbiologists investigate illness origins, create antibiotics, and contribute to food safety. Understanding the role of microorganisms in nutrient cycles and technological processes is aided by microbiology.


Microbiology has challenges when investigating unculturable microorganisms and complicated microbial ecosystems. Some bacteria cannot be cultured in a laboratory, which limits understanding of their properties. Furthermore, the fast evolution of microbes and the advent of antibiotic-resistant species present persistent hurdles for disease control.



Parasitology is the study of parasites, which are creatures that live on or inside other species and cause harm. This field is critical in the diagnosis and treatment of parasite infections in humans, animals, and plants. Parasitologists investigate parasite life cycles, create remedies, and improve public health by discovering and controlling parasitic diseases.


Because of the intricacy of parasite life cycles and the wide range of host organisms, parasitology is difficult. Some parasites are difficult to identify and treat, resulting in chronic illnesses. The rise of drug-resistant parasites, as well as the need for long-term management techniques, are continuous challenges. Furthermore, understanding parasite ecological roles and interactions with hosts necessitates interdisciplinary approaches.

These are the scope and limitations of these fields. I would suggest that students who want to learn about microbiology concepts in detail should go for an online course – Microbiology for UnderGrads by Dr Apurba S Sastry on DigiNerve.

The faculty of the course is best in the field and provides clear, in-depth explanation of topics through video lectures and notes. Apart from just learning, students can also evaluate their learnings from the course through self-assessment questions which are a part of this course, and can help the student in having an edge over other students and acing the subject.

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Q: What are the Scope and limitations of microbiology and parasitology?
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What is known as the study of parasites?


What is a microbiology department?

A department about microbiology

Carrier in Msc microbiology?

There is no career in MSc in Microbiology. It stands for Masters of Science in Microbiology. Therefore, it is a type of Master education.

What are the various fields of microbiology?

Microbiology is the study of microbes, which are microscopic living entities that are invisible to the naked eye. Microbiology is divided into several branches that focus on distinct elements of these microorganisms. Here are some of the most important fields: • Bacteriology: It is the scientific study of bacteria. Bacteria are single-celled organisms that can be found in soil, water, and even inside our bodies. • Virology: The study of viruses is known as virology. Viruses are microscopic particles that can only replicate within the cells of living things and can cause a variety of diseases in humans, animals, and plants. • Mycology: The study of fungi is known as mycology. Fungi can be single-celled organisms like yeast or multicellular organisms like molds and mushrooms. Some fungi are useful, while others are harmful. • Parasitology: It is the study of parasites, which are organisms that live on or inside other species and feed on them. Protozoa, helminths (worms), and ectoparasites such as ticks and lice are examples of parasites. These are some of the fields of microbiology. To learn more about microbiology concepts and different fields of microbiology, you can take an online course – Microbiology for UnderGrads by Dr Apurba S Sastry on DigiNerve. This course explains all the microbiology concepts in detail with the use of clinical, radiological, histological, and gross images along with flowcharts tables and boxes to help students better understand the subject. The course also comes with well-illustrated notes, mock exams and self-assessment questions so that students can learn the subject and analyse their learnings from the course side-by-side and focus on the weaker areas.

What is parasitology and the branches of it?

Parasitology is the study of parasites, creatures that live off of other living creatures to their benefit and the other's deficit (usually). Examples of parasites include intestinal worms and ticks.

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