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contact metamorphism, regional metamorphism, dynamic metamorphism

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Sharon Fisher

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Heat, pressure, and chemical fluids.

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Q: What are the Three types of metamorphism?
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What are the types of rock metamorphism?

Types of metamorphism are Contact Metamorphism Regional Metamorphism Cataclastic Metamorphism Hydrothermal Metamorphism Burial Metamorphism Shock Metamorphism (Impact Metamorphism)

What is the relationship between the three types of rocks?

All three types are parts of the 'rock cycle', the never ending cycle of erosion, deposition, lithification, metamorphism, melting, and solidification.

What are the three main types of metamorphism Compare and contrast the factors that cause each type?

The three main types of metamorphism are: Regional Metamorphism Contact Metamorphism Hydrothermal metamorphism Regional metamorphism is caused when high temperature and pressure affect large regions of Earths crust, It can range from low grade to high grade. It causes folded rock layers. Contact Metamorphism is when molten material comes in contact with solid rock. High temperature and moderate to low pressure from mineral assemblages. Metamorphic effects decrease with distance. Hydrothermal Metamorphism is when very hot water reacts with rock and alters its chemical and mineral composition. As hot fluids migrate in and out of the rock during metamorphism the original mineral composition and texture of the rock change.

What are three agents of metamorphism?

There are three agents of metamorphism in the changing of metamorphic rocks. They are heat, pressure, and hydro thermal solutions.

What are the three agents of metamorphism?

heat, pressure, and hydro-thermal solutions

Related questions

What are three types of metamorphism?

Contact, dynamic, burial, regional, and impact.

What are the 4 types of metamorphism?

contact metamorphism, regional metamorphism, dynamic metamorphism

What are the types of rock metamorphism?

Types of metamorphism are Contact Metamorphism Regional Metamorphism Cataclastic Metamorphism Hydrothermal Metamorphism Burial Metamorphism Shock Metamorphism (Impact Metamorphism)

What is the relationship between the three types of rocks?

All three types are parts of the 'rock cycle', the never ending cycle of erosion, deposition, lithification, metamorphism, melting, and solidification.

What are the three main types of metamorphism Compare and contrast the factors that cause each type?

The three main types of metamorphism are: Regional Metamorphism Contact Metamorphism Hydrothermal metamorphism Regional metamorphism is caused when high temperature and pressure affect large regions of Earths crust, It can range from low grade to high grade. It causes folded rock layers. Contact Metamorphism is when molten material comes in contact with solid rock. High temperature and moderate to low pressure from mineral assemblages. Metamorphic effects decrease with distance. Hydrothermal Metamorphism is when very hot water reacts with rock and alters its chemical and mineral composition. As hot fluids migrate in and out of the rock during metamorphism the original mineral composition and texture of the rock change.

What are three agents of metamorphism?

There are three agents of metamorphism in the changing of metamorphic rocks. They are heat, pressure, and hydro thermal solutions.