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chlorine and ozone

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Q: What are two chemicals used to purify water?
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Name two chemicals used to disinfect water?

Two chemicals that can be used to disinfect water are chlorine and iodine.

What kind of chemicals does a water softener use?

Sodium Chlorine and Potassium Chloride are two chemicals found in water softeners.

Are glow sticks made with water?

There is no water used in the making of a standard glow stick, it is simply a chemical reaction between two chemicals. Water can however be used to make a glow stick brighter.

Give two examples of chemicals that are necessary for human life?

Water and oxygen are two chemicals necessary for human life.

What are two chemicals made from glucose?

salt and water

What are the chemicals in a water molecule?

Water is made of two Hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom. Usually chemicals are made of molecules so (atoms < molecules < chemicals).