

What Axis II DSM code for ADD?

Updated: 10/24/2023
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There is no specific Axis II DSM code for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). In the DSM-5, ADHD is classified as a neurodevelopmental disorder and is diagnosed on Axis I.

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What are the similarities and differences between dsm iv and dsm iv tr?

ICD 10. It has two different criteria. Clinical criteria are qualitative and picture-fitting. Research criteria are quantitative and menu-driven. DSM-IV has only menu driven criteria. Thus inter-rater reliability for DSM-IV diagnoses are poor due to poor adherence to quantitative criteria in actual practice. ICD 10 encourages selection of one diagnosis, whereas DSM-IV allows selection of as many diagnoses as fit the criteria. Diagnostic categorical differences. In DSM IV, schizophrenic symptoms are required to be present for six months unless florid, whereas in ICD 10 it is only 1 month. IN DSM IV conversion and dissociative disorders are distinguished, not in ICD 10. In DSM IV there are two types of anorexia (binging and non), and two types of bulimia (purging and non), whereas in ICD 10 there is simply anorexia, bulimia, and undefined atypical forms. Axial Systems IN ICD 10 the axial system is as follows: AXIS I: Clinical psychiatric syndromes AXIS II: Specific disorders of development AXIS III: Intellectual level AXIS IV: Associated medical conditions AXIS V: Associated abnormal psychosocial conditions AXIS VI: Global Social Functioning Note that in ICD 10, AXIS I includes pschiatric disorders, personality disorders, and mental retardation, but not disability. In ICD 10, Axis II is similar to DSM IV Axis V, Global Assessment of Function... (I don't think it could be any more confusing than this!) In DSM IV, the axial system is like this: AXIS 1: Clinical psychiatric disorders AXIS II: Personality disorders, mental retardation, maladaptive personality.behavior AXIS III: General medical disorders. AXIS IV: PSychosocial/envrionmental stressors. AXIS V: Global Assessment of Function. Note that in DSM-IV, autism is AXIS 1, substance abuse is AXIS 1, OCD is AXIS I but OCPD is AXIS II.

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Yes. Narcissistic Personality Disorder - Axis II, Cluster B Incurable. RUN!

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People with Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) will often show some sign of improvement eventually, however because it is a persobality disosrder (axis II) and not axis I (depression, anxiety) it is often much more difficult to change the bad behavior to better behavior. Many people say that BPD symptoms get better with age, while others have found that survey the format that has been testing this is ill equipped to truly measure this. BPD patients often leave therapy early, usually because it is difficult and they get frustrated - DON'T STOP THERAPY! Hang in there. Dialectical Behavior Therapy is statistically the best therapy for BPD. Patients tend to stay in it longer and it has shown to be more effective for more people.

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manley tin II

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