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The short and sweet answer is no, they cannot. The reason behind it is because AB blood also has the antigens of B blood and since B and A are unmixable, AB and A is as well. Now Type A blood and give to type AB blood since A is in the name. A good rule of thumb with donations is that if your blood type is the other persons blood type then you can give to them. The exception is O in which case you can give to any type as long as they match + or -. However O can only receive from O. It is rather confusing but it boils down to this.

  • A gives to A and AB
  • B gives to B and AB
  • O gives to A, B, and AB
  • A can receive only A and O
  • B receives B and O
  • O receives only O
  • AB receives all

Now the above list is correct except that...You match your positive or negative signs as well. There you have it.

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10y ago

It depends on if it is AB+ or AB-. AB+ can receive any blood type, and AB- cannot receive A+, B+, AB+, or O+ blood. For AB+, it does not matter what type of blood it is, they can receive it.

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A person with type AB blood can receive any type of blood, but they are usually given AB blood.

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Q: What blood type can a person with AB blood type receive?
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What blood type can blood type ab receive?

Type ab blood can receive types a, b, ab, and o blood, not just type ab blood. Type ab is known as the "universal receiver", as it can receive any blood type, while type o is the "universal donor", meaning type o can be given to any person.

What blood types are compatible?

Well blood type O+ can be given to anyone, but they can only receive their blood type. And O+ blood can be combined with certain materials that are found in A type or B type to make it another blood type. And people with a blood type of A or B or AB can only give their blood to people who have the same exact blood type as them.

What blood types can an AB blood type recieve blood from?

A negative, B negative, AB negative, or O negative"As far as I can tell AB negative can only receive AB negative. It is one of if not THE rarest blood type. You can find out for sure by looking up blood types on Google I think I went to wikipedia the last time I checked."For information we cannot rely on wikipedia, because it can be changed by anyone :=)And the answer for your question is AB- can receive all blood type with rhesus negative (A-, B-, O-, and AB-)It is the rarest type only 0.7% people have this type, but in term of recipient is not.O- is the only one can receive O-.Basically blood type with (+) can receive (+) or (-), andblood type with (-) only can receive (-). That is why O- is the hardest in term of blood transfution.

Can a person with blood type b receive a transfusion of blood types b and ab?

No...someone with a B blood type has anti-A antibodies so the A blood type in the AB blood would cause clotting.

If you have blood type B and have antibody A what blood types can you safely receive?

You are able to receive type A, type B and type AB you can receive any type of blood.

Related questions

What blood type can A positive receive?

A person with type A blood can donate blood to a person with type A or type AB. A person with type B blood can donate blood to a person with type B or type AB. A person with type AB blood can donate blood to a person with type AB only. A person with type O blood can donate to anyone. A person with type A blood can receive blood from a person with type A or type O. A person with type B blood can receive blood from a person with type B or type O. A person with type AB blood can receive blood from anyone. A person with type O blood can receive blood from a person with type O. hope this helps, #JC#

Why a person with type AB blood safely receive blood from a person having type B blood?

because there is a trace of B blood in AB blood they can receive B blood>

If a person with ab blood needs to receive blood which type should he receive O or A?

If a person has AB type blood then they can receive any type of blood. A extra factor you have to take into account is whether they are AB positive or AB negative. An AB+ person can take any blood while an AB- person can take any blood as long as its negative. For a chart showing the blood type compatibility see

Does a person with type A blood have the ability to receive AB blood?

no because AB only can donate to AB.

Can a person with type O blood receive type A B or AB blood?

No. It can only receive the blood coming from a person with type O.

Can a person with type AB blood receive all types of blood?