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There have been many Bank Panics, all were caused by a sudden need to withdraw savings by a large number of people. The result is banks closing and often going out of business, with many people losing their life savings.

In the 1930s FDR worked to establish the FDIC to insure bank deposits to reduce the chance of Bank Panics and protect people's savings deposited in banks.

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Q: What caused the Bank Panic what was the result?
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What caused the Panic of 1837 and subsequent depression?

The Panic of 1837 was a depression. Panic was then used for what we now call a depression. The Panic of 1837 was caused in part by some of President Andrew Jackson's economic policies, like the Specie Circular, not renewing the charter of the Second Bank of the US, placing government funds in "pet banks." and no government regulation of various business practices.

What caused the economy to collapse in the panic of 1812?

fewer exported goods to Europe=) apex

What happens during a bank panic?

depositors rush to the bank to withdraw all deposits

Why was the panic of 1819 important?

first great economic crisis and depressioncaused mass bank failures, unemployment shot up, and a slump in agriculture and manufacturing.caused the dollar to be established, and indirectly caused a Constitutional Convention

What caused the panic of 1837?

Speculative fever.Economic policies of JacksonEvery bank stopped payment in gold and silver coinsthat's summing it up but if you want more information Jackson had caused the panic of 1837. By taking funds out of the bank and put them in state banks which the state banks used to give credit to land buyers. But since more people were expanding it caused inflation. Jackson tried to slow it down by ordering Americans to use gold and silver to buy land. But still it did not help national economy and open the door to economic troubles. *so basically Jackson was messing up pretty bad and a hard time fixing it * :D

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When did Bank Panic happen?

Bank Panic happened in 1000.

When was Bank Panic created?

Bank Panic was created in 1984.

The panic of 1907 was caused by?

The panic of 1907 was sparked when JP. Morgan considered a financial luminary at the time, posted rumors in the New York times the several bank were insolvent or bankrupt this caused massive withdrawals causing the banks to actually go bankrupt as they weren't before. As a result Mr. Morgan was able to buy up entire bank chains at a discount price, and also provided an excuse to implement a central bank, (the federal reserve) promising financial stability and the a panic of like the one of 1907 would never happen again.

What cause the Panic of 1893?

The Panic of 1893 was caused by railroad overbuilding and shaky railroad financing which set off a series of bank failures. (See related link for more information on the Panic of 1893)

What caused the Panic of 1837 and subsequent depression?

The Panic of 1837 was a depression. Panic was then used for what we now call a depression. The Panic of 1837 was caused in part by some of President Andrew Jackson's economic policies, like the Specie Circular, not renewing the charter of the Second Bank of the US, placing government funds in "pet banks." and no government regulation of various business practices.