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It could be when the positive wire is plugged in the negative slot and the negative wire is plugged in the positive slot. This can make the readings negative.

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Q: What causes an error in reading a voltmeter?
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What is the zero error and the reading uncertainty (error) for a meter rule?

The zero error depends on the user, and the wear on the metre rule. Given that smaller rulers have about 2mm of material before the zero mark, wear is unlikely to exceed that without being noticed. The reading error is +/- 1 mm.

What would be the voltmeter reading if the lamp across which it is placed has a broken filament?

A voltmeter connected across the broken (open) filament of a light bulb reads the full voltage of the power supply whether the bulb is in a series or parallel circuit. -- In a series circuit with other components in series with the bulb, this reading tells you that at least one of the components is open, possibly the filament. -- In a parallel circuit with other components in parallel with the bulb, or with the bulb connected directly to the power supply, this reading tells you nothing ... the voltmeter reads the full power supply voltage whether the bulb is open or good. The voltmeter isn't a very helpful measurement to identify an open filament. An ohmmeter, with the power to the circuit turned off, is much more helpful.

What is the purpose of a voltmeter in a circuit?

the purpose of a voltmeter is used to measure voltage in a circuit

Describe the proper placement of a voltmeter in a circuit?

A voltmeter should be connected in a parallel connection

What is the ideal voltmeter high or low?

Ideal Voltmeter has an infinite resistance so it won't draw current from the circuit, but in real life ideal voltmeter doesn't exist.