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In order to receive certification you need to complete the official MCSA course. It's can be done through several registered institutions. The time it takes to complete depends on how much time per week you want to spend on the course. It can be taken as little as 3 hours per week.

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Q: What do I need to get a MCSA certification?
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How would one obtain MCSA certification?

An MCSA certification is the Microsoft Certified Solutions Associate certification. It can be obtained by visiting the Microsoft website and signing up at the exam registration page.

Is it worth getting a MCSA certification for IT jobs?

The Microsoft Certified Solutions Associate (MCSA) certification is for IT professionals and developers looking to get their first job in Microsoft technology.

Where can I go to take MCSA lessons online?

There is a company called Trainace, which is a MCSA training course for the current MCSA certification needed for finding MCSA jobs. Classes are offered in Maryland, Virginia, DC and Online.

Can you go to a mcsa school and get certification and work from your home?

You can go to mcsa school and get the certification and such from home. That is available in most schools and other stufies. But it would be better to go to school in irl instead of online.

Where can I take MCSA lessons to get my certification.?

Depending on your location you can search for institutes who gives MCSA lessons.You can find some good leads after searching the microsoft official website about the subject.

Where can I get my mcsa certification?

There are many different places in your community that offer this certification. You can go to your local college and they can give you options for some of there advanced classes that you can take to get certified.