They are shaped like miniature adults, only with large eyes and short snouts.
Alligators, caimans and gharials are all relatives to crocodiles, and so they look very similar. There are also a few lizards that look a bit like crocodiles but are not related to them.
it has a bumpy skin, it has a long tail, it has a jaws
they look like baby chameleons lol
Think Crocodile. it's teeth stick out around their lips
Sometimes baby animals look different than the adult animals. Baby jaguars look almost exactly like the adult counterparts depending on their age.
of course like baby crocodiles
they have eyes that look like a crocodile's eyes
I don't recommend you trying,but if I did,probably like any other baby.The answer to that is in:How do you hold a baby?
Brahim bags are not made with real crocodile. They are made to look like the are embossing the leather in a crocodile pattern. they are high-quality handbags.
a baby crocodile is called a crocodilikie
Alligators, caimans and gharials are all relatives to crocodiles, and so they look very similar. There are also a few lizards that look a bit like crocodiles but are not related to them.