

What does a Trojan look like?

Updated: 9/18/2023
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13y ago

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The Trojan Horse was a gigantic wooden horse with a hole in its stomach so Greek soldiers could get out to concer Troy.

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Adonis Herman

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What does a Trojan horse look like?

The Trojan Horse was a gigantic wooden horse with a hole in its stomach so Greek soldiers could get out to concer Troy.

How does Trojan horse attack?

Trojans attack a system by disguising themselves as a legit program. The Trojan may change their icon to look like a real program, but once executed, it runs malicious processes in the backround. The Trojan may also come with the real program you want to download, and these are called Trojan wrappers.

What Trojan does?

a trojan is a horse or computer virus that looks like a good thing but is not. a trojan is just and old horse.

What is Trojan horse Downloader.Generic10.AGXJ?

Sounds like a file attached to a trojan virus

When was 'fight like a trojan' used?

inthe trojan war between greek and troy