Warranted means it is available for trade on an exchange. A certificate of warrent exists for that lot of copper, letting the exchange know it is available for trade. Unwarranted copper is just stored copper. It can be owned by a person or company or it may be waiting to be assigned a warrant.
CuCO3 is copper carbonate.
the eiffle tower involves copper mixed with tin to strenghen it. this is the main one. It depends on what you mean by made from copper. Many buildings use copper in their roof. In Las Vegas their is a beautiful building that has a copper roof, the Mormon Temple.
I am not sure what you mean by "spirits of salt", but a mixture of vinegar and salt is a very effective copper cleaner.
I believe you mean copper. Copper is not a property; it is an element with physical and chemical properties.
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Warranted means needed or necessary.
There is at least some reasonable and verifiable evidence behind a warranted assumption. I think that even with evidence, the consequences of an assumption have to be considered. Evidence is not necessarily proof. If harm will come to a person because of an assumption, then I would consider the assumption unwarranted. You can't go off hurting people because you think you're clever. That kind of behavior will come back to bite you.
Unwarranted means not justified or unwarranted. An example of this word used in a sentence is, the girl kept throwing unwarranted claims at her friend who had no involvement with the issue at hand.
it mean tht you are'nt one of their friends srry :(