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It is the non dominant trait. You would have to have 2 recessive to have that trait but you only need one dominanr=t to have that trait

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Q: What does it mean if a trait or allele is resevive?
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What does 'R' and 'r' mean in chromosomes?

R is a dominant allele for trait 'r' and r is a recessive allele for trait 'r'.

What does resscessive mean?

a resscessive allele, is hidden when the dominant trait is present

An allele that is dominated or cover up by another allele is called what?

It should be a dominant allele--a dominant allele's trait will be expressed over the recessive allele's trait.

What is member of a gene pair that determines a specific trait is?

an allele

How does an allele trait in an organism?

An allele causes a trait by either being dominant orrecessive or example, allele A will occur over allele a because it is dominant.

WHAT is single gene trait?

A single-gene trait is a phenotypic trait controlled by two homologous alleles.