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It literally means "Don't tell me."

But is most often used as an expression meaning something like "You don't say!" or "I don't believe it!".

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Q: What does the Spanish phrase No me digas mean?
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What does no digas eso yo nunca aria mean?

No digas eso= Don't say that! eso yo nunca haría= I didn't do that!

What does digas mean in spanish?

DIGAS comes from the verb "decir" which means "to say/to tell".DIGAS is either a present subjunctive or a negative imperative (negative command). Both take the same conjugation (although the "I" form is never used as an imperative).The conjugation is as follows:yodiga (I)túdigas (you)él, ella, Usteddiga (he/ she/ it/ you formal)nosotrosdigamos (we)vosotrosdigáis (you plural)ellos, ellas, ustedesdigan (they/ you plural formal)DIGAS can be used for two reasons:1) PRESENT SUBJUNCTIVE:To express an element of uncertainty.e.g. "Quiero que me lo DIGAS." - "I want you to tell me."(I want you to, but I'm not certain that you will.)"Espero que no le DIGAS nada" - "I hope you don't say anything to him (Again: I hope you wont say anything, but I don't know if you will.)2) NEGATIVE IMPERATIVE:To command somebody NOT to do something.e.g. "No DIGAS eso a tu madre." - "Don't say that to your mother/Don't tell your mother that.""¡No me DIGAS!" - "I don't believe it!" (literally means "Don't tell me!")

What does Spanish to English mean?

a translation of a spanish word to English

What does live mas mean in spanish?

Live is not a Spanish word, but the phrase means "live more".

What do de nada mean in spanish?

The phrase "de nada" is an interjection. It is used in the US to mean "you're welcome". This is also the Spanish translation for the same phrase.

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Nunca digas como te sientes.

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No digas eso= Don't say that! eso yo nunca haría= I didn't do that!

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Quiero que diga / digan / digas / digáis algo

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What does digas mean in spanish?

DIGAS comes from the verb "decir" which means "to say/to tell".DIGAS is either a present subjunctive or a negative imperative (negative command). Both take the same conjugation (although the "I" form is never used as an imperative).The conjugation is as follows:yodiga (I)túdigas (you)él, ella, Usteddiga (he/ she/ it/ you formal)nosotrosdigamos (we)vosotrosdigáis (you plural)ellos, ellas, ustedesdigan (they/ you plural formal)DIGAS can be used for two reasons:1) PRESENT SUBJUNCTIVE:To express an element of uncertainty.e.g. "Quiero que me lo DIGAS." - "I want you to tell me."(I want you to, but I'm not certain that you will.)"Espero que no le DIGAS nada" - "I hope you don't say anything to him (Again: I hope you wont say anything, but I don't know if you will.)2) NEGATIVE IMPERATIVE:To command somebody NOT to do something.e.g. "No DIGAS eso a tu madre." - "Don't say that to your mother/Don't tell your mother that.""¡No me DIGAS!" - "I don't believe it!" (literally means "Don't tell me!")