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When criterion-referenced measures are needed, scoring rubrics are more useful than authentic assessments procedures. This measurement allows teachers to compare the performance of her students.

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Addie Douglas

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Q: What factors determine the use of scoring rubric over other authentic assessment procedures?
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What factors determine the use of a scoring rubrics over the other authentic assessment procedures?

When criterion-referenced measures are needed, scoring rubrics are more useful than authentic assessments procedures. This measurement allows teachers to compare the performance of her students.

What are the factors that determine whether observational learning will occur?

Two Factors that determine wether imitative behavior will occur

What is portfolio assessment?

The idea of portfolio assessment is to look at various examples of student work over time instead of one so-called "snapshot" of student work as is typical in most standardized assessment. With portfolio assessment, the teacher maintains a "portfolio" or folder of student work over time and is able to assess growth over time as well as factors like creativity, ability to follow directions, and other individual factors that are not usually addressed by standardized tests.

What are variables that affect learning?

We all have different lives, our differences are what effect our learning. Variables which effect our learning are;Personality- how we personally feel and behaveCulture- the way which we are conditioned to live with in our environmentPhilosophy- the pursuit of knowledge and understandingActual experience- what we already know and how we apply thisLife Phase- how old we are can determine our understandingLearning style- do you learn buy audio, visual, kinaesthicAutonomy- self motivationValues- your beliefsPerceived experience- what you actually believe to be trueLife stage- factors that influence your life IE, have childrenSelf directedness- the interests that we have.I hope that is helpfulViv :-)Dip of Training and Assessment, Australia Melbourne

How would a person address a wide range of issues in student support services?

Communicate with everyone involved, including workers in the department--live or virtual meetings. Make a list of symptoms and actual events from the meeting. See if there are any common factors that can be addressed immediately to have an effect on several of the situations. Do not scapegoat individuals--review and amend procedures. Assign people to take these actions and check back to see if the desired results have occurred. Adjust the procedures, and evaluate.