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Q: What impact did Rosalind Franklin make on society?
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What did rosalind Franklin use to make her discovery?

Rosalind Franklin utlised X-ray diffraction; a method by which patterns and images created by the diffraction of x-radiation through a sample may be used to determine composition and structure on a molecular level.

Who discovered that the shape of DNA is a double helix?

Watson and Crick using Rosalind Franklin's x-ray of a double helix of DNA which she had not yet realized was a double helix Rosalind Franklin made an x-ray that showed the nucleotide structure of DNA. Watson and Crick used her x-ray to make their 3-D model of DNA's structure.

What contributions to the understanding of DNA did Rosalind Franklin make?

Rosalind Franklin in DNARosalind Franklin used crystallography to make an x-ray image of the structure of DNA that led to the discovery of the double-helix by Watson and Crick. Watson and Crick already understood the fact that bases composed the DNA in a certain manner, but did not know exactly the order in which they paired. The x-ray Rosalind provided the outline of the DNA and from there Watson and Crick could analyze how the DNA was in fact a double helix due to the triple bonded G-C (Guanine and Cytosine) that formed the "skinny" parts of the DNA and the double-bonded A-T (Adenine and Thymine) that formed the "fatter" parts of the DNA. Due to this woman's crystallography, Watson and Crick ultimately won the Nobel Prize. Rosalind could not acquire this award because she died four years earlier of radiation from the x-rays that caused her to develop cancer.

How Did Rosalind Franklin change the world?

Because of her work in genetics and DNA. She discovered the first ever picture of DNA using x-ray diffraction. Using this picture, she was able to find that it was a double-helix structure. Watson and Crick stole her idea, because female scientists were looked down at in those times and nobody cared, and created the double-helix model and got all of the credit. also because this is stupid mwahahaha

Does farting burn calories?

probably not and if i did it wouldn't make a big impact

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