

What is a good name for AB blood?

Updated: 12/6/2023
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12y ago

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AB blood has both A and B antigens on the cells and therefore if it had any anti-A or anti-B antibodies they would cause the blood to clott and so it has neither. This means that any type of blood can be given to this person, as they will not recognise any antigens on the blood as foreign because they don't have and antibodies. On the other hand they can only give blood to other people of ht ethe type AB. Type A blood has a antigens but not b antigens so it can have anti-b antibodies and b ype blood i the reverse. O type blood has no antigens and therfore both types of antibodies. So all three other types of blood have antibodies that will recognise one or both of the antibodies and cause clotting. For this reason AB type is nicknamed the "universal receiver", meaning they can take from anyone.

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What blood type can a person with AB blood type receive?

The short and sweet answer is no, they cannot. The reason behind it is because AB blood also has the antigens of B blood and since B and A are unmixable, AB and A is as well. Now Type A blood and give to type AB blood since A is in the name. A good rule of thumb with donations is that if your blood type is the other persons blood type then you can give to them. The exception is O in which case you can give to any type as long as they match + or -. However O can only receive from O. It is rather confusing but it boils down to this.A gives to A and ABB gives to B and ABO gives to A, B, and ABA can receive only A and OB receives B and OO receives only OAB receives allNow the above list is correct except that...You match your positive or negative signs as well. There you have it.

What is the universial recipient blood type?


Is ab blood type the best blood type?

It's good in the sense that it means anyone with AB+ blood is the universal recipient. For example, unless the person is looking for plasma, this person would be the last person affected in a blood shortest. Plasma works the other way around and anyone with AB-typoe blood would be the universal donor and therefore hard pressed to find plasma.

What blood type is rich or rare?

AB negative is the rarest blood type. AB positive is the second rarest blood type. The negative blood types are more rare than the positive. The common blood type is o.

What blood type can blood type ab receive?

Type ab blood can receive types a, b, ab, and o blood, not just type ab blood. Type ab is known as the "universal receiver", as it can receive any blood type, while type o is the "universal donor", meaning type o can be given to any person.

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If you have AB blood type what group could give blood to?

The AB blood type is known as the universal recipient. Therefore, the groups that a person with this blood type can give blood to are limited. If your blood is AB+, then you can only give to others with AB+ blood. If your blood is AB-, then you can give to people with both AB+ or AB- blood.

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AB negative blood group is fine for marriage but the person with this blood group can accept the blood from all donors with negative Rh factor. example- only from AB-, O-,A-,B-

What is the only blood type that can receive AB blood?

I am blood typr AB+ and i donate. The only type I can receive is AB+

What blood type can a person with AB blood type receive?

The short and sweet answer is no, they cannot. The reason behind it is because AB blood also has the antigens of B blood and since B and A are unmixable, AB and A is as well. Now Type A blood and give to type AB blood since A is in the name. A good rule of thumb with donations is that if your blood type is the other persons blood type then you can give to them. The exception is O in which case you can give to any type as long as they match + or -. However O can only receive from O. It is rather confusing but it boils down to this.A gives to A and ABB gives to B and ABO gives to A, B, and ABA can receive only A and OB receives B and OO receives only OAB receives allNow the above list is correct except that...You match your positive or negative signs as well. There you have it.

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