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I think its called a glycoprotein

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Q: What is a protein molecule with a smaller carbohydrate covalently bonded to it?
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No, ribosomes make protein from mRNA. Sugars and starches are made by smaller enzymes

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Protein is digested to form amino acids. Lipids are digested to fatty acids. Carbohydrates are digested to glucose and other simple sugars.

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A molecule containing a very large number of atoms.

What do protein carbohydrate and lipids have in common?

They are all formed from the same elements. They are part of the cell membrane (phospholipids not just lipids). polymers of smaller subunits, i believe.

What do protein carbohydrate and lipid have in common?

They are all formed from the same elements. They are part of the cell membrane (phospholipids not just lipids). polymers of smaller subunits, i believe.