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Metres. 0.01 millimetres is one hundredth of a millimetre - about the rate our fingernails grow !

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8y ago

A 2013 study from the University of Exeter, UK, determined that the top speed of a common garden snail is about one metre or 1000 mm per hour,which equals about 16.6 mm per minute.

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Lilly Watkins

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1mo ago

The answer is 30 milliliters per minute

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Q: What is a snail's speed in millimeters per minute?
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What is a snail's speed?

Snails move about 3 inches (8cm) per minute.

How far does a snail travel one minute?

Normal snails can travel three millimeters to three centimeters per minute 20 cm to 200 centimeters per minute. It depends a lot on the size of the snail.

How do you convert 100km per second to millimeters per minute?

Use this conversion: km per second x 60,000,000 = millimeters per minute.

What speed to snails go at?

A garden snail goes to a speed of 0.03 mph. An average snail gets 2.36 inches in a minute, and per day about 2.8 m.

How do you convert from millimeter per minute to meter per hour?

Millimeters per minute x 0.06 = meters per hour

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