It was said that a turtle year was somewhat like a cat year. A turtle age is 15 in human years after its first year. And then 25 years old when it's 2, and then it adds on four every year. However, this has also been said to be a myth mainly because of the various different kinds of turtles and such. There's no way to even scientifically say how old an animal is compared to human years.
The age of 1 turtle years is approximately equivalent to 2 human years.
A tortoise can live up to 200 years and therefore their year is about 2 human years.
.256 years if Tortoise lives 200 years and humans average 78 years then it takes a tortoise almost 4 times as long to complete a life cycle. Thus 200/78=.256
12 human years is one tortoise year
Since cows can live to about twenty, a human year is about five cow years.
140 years old is the correct answer because you times whatever human year by the dog years so 20 X 7 is 140. and a cat year for 1 human year is 16 cat years for one human year...... Hope this helps.... :)
Chipmunks usually live about 2 to 3 years. So 1 human year is about 30(give or take) Chipmunk years.
Leonardo's pet tortoise was 10 years old when he bought it.
There is many theories on how tortoises age but the most accurate I have came to found is 16 years for one human year, which would make it 336 years old at 21 human years. Their aging process is similar to a cat in which their "tortoise years" of life are much shorter than a human year.
Dogs age at 7 years compared to one human year... thus your 12 year old dog would be 84 years old in human years
1 chimp year = 2 human years
Usually a "dog year" is 7 human years. A "cat year" changes from 14 human years for young cats to 4 human years for old cats.
Tortoise eat lettuce. Lettuce = live.