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Altitude is the angle measured above the horizon.

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11y ago

Sea level

An object's altitude in the sky is the angle between it and the horizon.

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Altitude is the angle measured above the?

Altitude is the angle measured above the horizon.

Why is the altitude of the sun measured in degrees above the horizon - rather than in feet and meters like aircraft?

The altitude of aircraft is measured above the ground, not above the horizon, and it's a distance. The altitude of the sun is not measured above the ground, and it's not a distance. If it were, it would always be some number near 93 million miles. The altitude of the sun is the angle that an observer sees between his horizon and the sun, and it's different for different observers in different places.

What are scientific altitude?

its the height measured above sea level. its the height measured above sea level.its sabi ni naizer...

Is Altitude defined as the distance in degrees of a star below the horizon?

Almost . . ."Altitude" is the apparent angle of the object above the horizon.

What are azimuth and altitude to describe?

Azimuth is the angle, typically using true north as zero degrees to an object from viewers location. An altitude (if expressed as an elevation angle from the viewer) provides a line of sight to an object in space. If you were standing at a point and facing true north and there was an airplane flying at 20,000 ft and you knew the elevation angle you could compute the range and have an (X,Y,Z) location for the object.

Is 6 miles a measurement of altitude?

NO Altitude is the distance above sea level and is generally measured in feet in the US, if you mean 6 miles above sea level then it would be a measurement of altitude. FYI 6 miles above sea level is higher than Mt. Everest.