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The fingers/pointers on an analogue clock move clockwise. The is from 12 o'clock they move to thew right to 1 and then 2. et.seq., This is named 'clockwise' Most rotating objects are designed to move in this manner.

However, going back to the analogue clock, if the pointer/finger moves from 12 back to 11 to 10 , that is to the left , then it is described as 'anti-clockwise' or 'counter clockwise'.

NB The prefix word 'anti' comes from Latin and means 'against'. So 'Anti-clockwise ' means gainst normal clock movement.

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It is the same as counter clock wise. The hands on a clock, starting from a position at the top of the clock-face, move in a circle to the right, so counter clock wise would be moving to the left, in the opposite direction.

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