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Q: What is different parts of the electomagnetic spectrum?
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What are the parts of the electromagnetic spectrum and their uses?


What is different about the different parts of the electromagnetic spectrum?

The way they are produced, studied, and the power they have are the only common differences.

How do you arrange the 7 electomagnetic waves in order of increasing of their wavelength?

There are not "7 electromagnetic waves". The electromagnetic spectrum is a continuous one, without any divisions.Many people, engineers and experimental physicists in particular, paste some rather wide labels on parts of the EM spectrum. This is done for their convenience, and mostly is a flexible classification. There are no divisions of the actual spectrum.Having said that, the common classification is :-gamma rayshard X-rayssoft X-raysfar ultravioletultravioletvisible lightinfraredfar infraredmillimeter wavesmicrowavesUHFVHFHFMFLFULF

Where along the em spectrum does gamma rays fall?

The EM spectrum, is based upon the emission of photons at different wavelengths. Visible light is a small part of this spectrum. As all of the spectrum travels at the speed of light - C. The frequencies for different wavelenghts of photons will be different. The creation of these different parts of the spectrum are from different oscillations ( For instance radio waves come from the oscillation of electrons in an antenna. Limitations on these oscillations cause the limitation in the spectrum, at one end there is radiowaves, limited by electron oscillation and the at the other side is gamma from the creation of particle antiparticle pairs.

Which electomagnetic wave transfers the most energy?


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Will improvements in technology eventually show the entire electomagnetic spectrum to be from high mountain top observatories?

No, atmosphere will block some spectrum.

What are Not visible parts of the electromagnetic spectrum?

You can't see the different colors that are shown

What is different about different parts of the electromagnetic spectrum?

The way they are produced, studied, and the power they have are the only common differences.

How is visible light different from other electomagnetic waves?

It's composed of wavelengths to which the eye is sensitive.

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Why is it useful to examine the universe using parts of the electromagnetic spectrum other than visible light?

Different parts of the electromagnetic spectrum give different types of information.Different parts of the electromagnetic spectrum give different types of information.Different parts of the electromagnetic spectrum give different types of information.Different parts of the electromagnetic spectrum give different types of information.