

What is Gibbs Free energy?

Updated: 8/10/2023
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7y ago

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The usable energy released or absorbed by a reaction.

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Harshman Sihra

Lvl 2
3y ago
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Skylar Hagenes

Lvl 13
1y ago

It predicts whether or not a reaction will be spontaneous.

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8y ago

Gibbs Free Energy of Formation is defined as the free energy change during formation of 1 mole of a substance from its constituent elements in their standard state. Gibbs free energy of an element in its standard state is zero.

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Narek Jamkotchian

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2y ago
shut the fu** up

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11y ago

Gibbs energy G, is a thermodynamic state function, and is defined as:-

G(p, T) = H-TS

The concept of gibbs energy has been introduced to predict the spontaneity or feasibility of a process. neither enthalpy nor entropy alone can predict the spontaneity of a large number of reactions. when the delta G for a reation is negative it is a spontaneous reaction

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7y ago

The usable energy released or consumed by a reaction.

Is the energy in a system that is available for driving chemical reactions.

Delta G= (G reactants - G products) = 0

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