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There is no good or bad science. If you enjoy it, it can be categorised as good science but if you do not like science it is bad science

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Q: What is good science and bad science?
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Science is merely a tool or knowledge, it is not good or bad by nature. It is the people using the knowledge or products from science to do good or bad thing.

What is the difference between good and bad science?

Good science is when you use it to make ice cream. Bad science is when you make more Frankensteins

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good "science" or a good experiment can always be repeated with the same result

How can you tell good science from bad science?

That question is irelevent

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Is science a good servant but a bad teacher?

Your question is an altered version of something that has been said about fire, that it is a good servant but a bad master. Science is certainly a good servant, and a good teacher as well. We have learned a lot from science.