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You think probable compounds.

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Q: What is matter made of element combined in changing ratios form?
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What is the relationship between element and compound?

Atoms make up all matter. An element has atoms that are all the same. Compounds are made of different kinds of atoms combined chemically in exact whole number ratios.

What type of matter is made of elements in a specific ratio that is always the same?

Elements combined in specific ratios form compounds.

Do the Empirical formula relates the mass of each element in a compound to the entire mass of the compound?

An empirical formula gives this information indirectly by specifying the ratios of numbers of atoms of each element in a compound to the total number of atoms in a compound. These ratios can then be mathematically converted into the mass ratios specified in the question by using the known atomic weights of each element present: The mass ratio of element "Q" to element "R" is equal to the number ratio multiplied by the ratio of the atomic weight of element Q to that of element R. For example, the number ratio of hydrogen to oxygen in water is 2, but the mass ratio is 2(1.008/15.999) = 0.1260.

Can the genotype in a population change with the allele frequency changing?

Yes, the ratios of genotypes for a specific trait can change if allele frequency changes.

Do the atoms in a mixture have a set ratio?

Atoms can interact in different manners. Compounds can have the same ratios of atoms combined in different ways producing different properties (cis and trans forms of compounds come to mind). Additionally, many compounds consist of the same elements but in different ratios. Compare Carbon dioxide, a inert waste product of respiration, to carbon monoxide, a gas deadly to humans. Both use carbon and oxygen, but CO2 has an extra oxygen molecule, greatly changing its properties. So in short, no. Atoms can combine in multiple ratios, and even compounds of equal ratios can come together in different manners to produce different compounds.

Related questions

What is matter made of element combined of changing ratios form?

You think probable compounds.

What is matter made of elements combined in changing ratios?

You think probable compounds.

What is the relationship between element and compound?

Atoms make up all matter. An element has atoms that are all the same. Compounds are made of different kinds of atoms combined chemically in exact whole number ratios.

What the relationship between the elements and the compounds?

Atoms make up all matter. An element has atoms that are all the same. Compounds are made of different kinds of atoms combined chemically in exact whole number ratios.

What type of matter is made of elements in a specific ratio that is always the same?

Elements combined in specific ratios form compounds.

What is a mixture or pure substance?

A mixture consists of two or more components that are mixed, but not chemically combined, and can exist in various ratios. A pure substance is an element or a compound, having a definite composition.