

What is spirit lamp used for?

Updated: 9/23/2023
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10y ago

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Simple, for heating !

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Q: What is spirit lamp used for?
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Can i use surgical spirits in a spirit lamp?

No, surgical spirits should not be used in a spirit lamp. Surgical spirits are typically used for disinfection, cleaning, and sterilization purposes and are not meant to be used as a fuel source in a spirit lamp. Instead, the appropriate fuel sources for a spirit lamp are denatured alcohol or methylated spirits.

Covering a lighting spirit lamp with a lid what happens?

It cuts off the oxygen supply to the spirit lamp and lamp goes off.

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A spirit lamp A Bunsen burner

What. is a. spirit lamp?

A spirit lamp is like an ordinary lamp,but this lamp uses ethanol ie.ethyl alcohol as a fuel.This lamp is used mostly in laboratories and mainly inside the laminar air flow chamber which is a sterile cabin where most of the biotech. and microbiology practicles are held. Ethanol is used as a fuel instead of other commercial fuels because this will easily evaporate and will not produce smoke and hence we can avoid contaminations.

What is the spirit lamp fuel?

Spirits, of course. Hence the name. (I'm not being metaphysical here; by "spirits" I mean "ethylated spirits" or "methylated spirits", aka "booze" or "wood alcohol".) You could also burn rubbing alcohol in them, but this won't work as well since most rubbing alcohol is about 30% water ... which of course doesn't burn.

The wick of the spirit lamp dose not burn even though the spirit is burning which condition is not satisfied here?

both the conditions are satisfied. it is true