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Lame attempt at justifying a vile genocidal exploitive oppression.

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Beryl Cassin

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2y ago
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Q: What is the connection of American slavery to prejudices against African-descended peoples?
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What is the connection of American slavery to prejudices against African descended people?

Lame attempt at justifying a vile genocidal exploitive oppression.

How do you use efface a sentence?

Efface means to rub out or wipe out. Used in a sentence: As a black president, Obama wishes to efface many prejudices against African American.

What was the effect of the American Indians attacking the settlers?

Sadly, the primary effect of Native Americans attacking settlements was to enforce the prejudices of the settlers against them, and to reinforce the image of them as savages, hellbent on destroying civilization.

Are people with prejudices prevented from sitting on juries?

yesAnswer:Prejudices are only a concern if they conflict with the case before the court. As an example a prejudice against French people would not affect a case involving a Korean and Japanese businessmen in a dispute over shares in an American company.Most people do have prejudices against something. The jury pool would be small if only people totally without prejudice could be eligible to serve.

What are some prejudices against alcoholics?

People often believe that alcoholics are derelicts and bums. However, this is just a stereotype.

Psychology of misogynist?

the thoughts, behaviour, emotions and motivation of someone who hates / holds prejudices against women because they are female.