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Urban development basically means the development of cities and large towns.

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Q: What is the definition of urban development?
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What does homeless mean?

Every service provider has their own definition of who they serve, generally because of funding. In the United States, this means the definition written by Congress for the Department of Housing and Urban Development: living in emergency shelter, transitional housing, or in places not meant for human habitation (i.e., streets).

Why do you need to study rural and urban development?

So that you can get a football scholarship

What is the Impact of development in urban area?

it makes it look happy for people that like buildings :)

What is the difference between urban sociology and urban geography?

Rural sociology is the sociology of the village or village society. Rural sociology studies the relationship of people who lived in villages. In other words, it is a branch of sociology which studies rural society. The prime objective of rural sociology should be to make a scientific, systematic, and comprehensive study of rural organization, of its structure, functions, and objective tendencies of development and on the basis of such study, to discover the law of development. & Urban sociology is a branch of sociology dealing with the development of urban communities and their effect upon society. Or in other words, the sociological study of cities and their role in the development of society. It is a normative discipline of sociology seeking to study the structures, processes, changes and problems of an urban area and by doing so provide inputs for planning and policy making. In other words it is the sociological study of cities and their role in the development of society.

Explain difference of rural and urban sociology?

Rural sociology is the sociology of the village or village society. Rural sociology studies the relationship of people who lived in villages. In other words, it is a branch of sociology which studies rural society. The prime objective of rural sociology should be to make a scientific, systematic, and comprehensive study of rural organization, of its structure, functions, and objective tendencies of development and on the basis of such study, to discover the law of development. & Urban sociology is a branch of sociology dealing with the development of urban communities and their effect upon society. Or in other words, the sociological study of cities and their role in the development of society. It is a normative discipline of sociology seeking to study the structures, processes, changes and problems of an urban area and by doing so provide inputs for planning and policy making. In other words it is the sociological study of cities and their role in the development of society.

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