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Hunter-gatherers lived as nomadic groups, relying on hunting, fishing, and gathering for their survival. They had a close relationship with nature and had a minimal impact on the environment. In contrast, modern man is sedentary and relies on agriculture and industry for sustenance. Modern man has advanced technology, complex social structures, and a much greater impact on the environment.

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11y ago

The single overwhelming difference between a society based on hunting and gathering, and the modern world, is that modern civilization is based on agriculture. Rather than going out into the world of nature to see what food we can find (which is the strategy used by a hunting and gathering society, as well as the strategy used by all animal species other than the human race) we have devised means of creating food for ourselves.

Beyond that, we have created many other artificial structures and mechanisms for our convenience, buildings and roads and machinery, cars, computers, guns, etc. We live very far from nature, in a highly artificial world, although many people like to vacation in a more natural setting. Hunter gatherers live very close to nature.

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