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Q: What is the difference between immediate and deferred gratification?
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What is the difference between immediate annuity and deferred annuity?

First, the word "annuity" can be used for different things. Be sure to know what you're working with. Annuities are investments through insurance companies. There are good and bad. Annuities might ALL be called "deferred" because their earnings are tax deferred. You pay taxes on the earnings when you take money out. The IRS sets the rules. Annuity earnings WILL BE taxed, even if received in monthly payments or passed on to beneficiaries. Immediate and deferred refer to 2 different features of annuities. Deferred is taxes. Immediate is payments. If you place a lump sum with the insurance company, they can start paying you monthly payments based on that lump sum. If the payments start immediately, it is called immediate. If payments start later, it could be called deferred. Annuities can be wonderful or horrible, so do lots of good research.

What is the difference between usance and deferred payment LC?

No difference as both are alternate names of each other

What is the difference between immediate and ultimate cause if behavior?

immediate is giw an organism does something and immediate is why an organism does something

What is the difference between output vat and deferred output vat?

Deferred output tax is recorded by the seller for the sale of things on credit, and the standard output tax is recorded for the sale of things that were paid for with cash.