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The difference of turgor pressure and diffusion is that turgor pressure is an osmotic pressure exerted by the contents of a plant cell against its cell wall; while diffusion is a movement of molecules from an area higher concentration to an area lower concentration.

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Q: What is the different between turgor pressure and diffusion?
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What does reverse osmosis do?

When a plant is wilting (which is due to plasmolysis of plant cells caused by diffusion), water it and it would become a hypotonic solution. Water enter plant cells and this increases turgor pressure, enabling plants to be upright.

An example of osmosis?

Here are 3 examples: 1.)Plasmolysis, which is caused by osmosis, causes land plants to wilt due to the lack of turgor pressure. Plants do need turgor pressure to keep them upright. 2.)Flowers open when the inner surface of their petals become more turgid than the outer surfaces. 3.)Guard cells on leaf surfaces control the stomata size using changes in turgor. P.S. Hope that helps:)

When does osmosis stop?

osmosis stops when there is equal amount of concentration of water molecules on either sides of the semi permeable membrane. but due to higher osmotic pressure, turgor pressure and wall pressure, osmosis stops just before the concentrations become equal.

What is your conclusion to osmosis?

Osmosis can be defined by many example one is when slices of the potato are mixed with a high concentration of salt solution we can see the potatoes are shrink because the water from potato moves to the salt solution. Osmosis may occur when there is a partially-permeable membrane, such as a cell membrane. When a cell is submerged in water, the water molecules pass through the cell membrane from an area of low solute concentration (outside the cell) to one of high solute concentration (inside the cell), this is called osmosis. The cell membrane is selectively permeable, so only necessary materials are let into the cell and waste left out. Plant cell under different environments Osmotic pressure is the main cause of support in many plants. The osmotic entry of water raises the turgor pressure exerted against the cell wall, until it equals the osmotic pressure, creating a steady state.

Why is the cell wall on a plant cell needed?

To protect the precious nutrience inside of it (and to keep others out); also to retain water(but only a little bit); also helps to maintain cell structure; also protects the cell in general from harmful invaders