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It is NOT an equation but a formula. It is sulphuric acid ( H2SO4).

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11y ago

It's a formula of an acid (inorganic) namely Sulfuric Acid. H2SO4.

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How can I tell if a chemical reaction is balanced or not balanced?

If the equation has the same number of each type of atom on both sides of the arrow, it is balanced. If the number of atoms on each side of the arrow is not the same, the equation is not balanced. For example, in the equation H2 + O2 -->H2O, there are two hydrogen atoms and two oxygen atoms on the left, and two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom on the right. Therefore, the equation is not balanced. However, in the equation 2H2 + O2 -->2H2O, there are four hydrogen atoms and two oxygen atoms on the left and four hydrogen atoms and two oxygen atoms on the right, so the equation is balanced.

How many elements in 5H2SO4?

The letters represent elements, the numbers represent the quantity of each element within the compound. I believe it should read 5H2SO4 meaning there are five molecules of the compound H2SO4 (which happens to be sulfuric acid). In this solution there are three different elements: Hydrogen (H) Sulfur (S) Oxygen (O) In each molecule of H2SO4 there are two Hydrogen atoms, one Sulfur atom, and four Oxygen atoms. In the complete sample, five molecules of H2SO4, there are ten Hydrogen atoms, five Sulfur atoms, and twenty Oxygen atoms.

What is a substance composed of 2 atoms of hydrogen 1 atom of sulfur and 4 atoms of oxygen?

Sulfuric acid, with formula H2SO4.

When sulfur and hydrogen react together one sulfur atom will combine with how many hydrogen atoms?

Two hydrogen atoms to form hydrogen sulphide (H2S) . It is the smell of rotten eggs.

How many atoms are in NaHSO4?

NaHSO4 is a compound known as sodium hydrogen sulfate or sodium bisulfate. It has one sodium atom, one hydrogen atom, one sulfur atom and four oxygen atoms for a total of seven atoms.