The first ionization energy of oxygen is 1313,9 kJ/mol.
Oxygen's ionization energy is 15.9994
There are two main elements that do not follow the trend for ionization energy. Those two elements are both Boron and Oxygen.
In group 6A, oxygen is at the top and sulfur is below oxygen. Ionization energy decreases going down a group. groups run vertically
Oxygen's ionization energy is 15.9994
The first ionization energy for carbon is 1 086,5 kJ/mol. The first ionization energy for oxygen is 1 319,9 kJ/mol.
First ionization energy increases as u move from left to right,so oxygen comes first than florine which means when u pass oxygen to florine the ionization energy become more than it was in oxygen.
half filled P orbitals increase the stability resulting in higher ionization energy