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Mars no longer has a magnetic field. Look at earth for a moment. The earth's magnetic field is generally thought to be the product of dynamo action associated with motion (currents) in the molten fluid core of the earth. Other planets that have magnetic fields are, in general, thought to have this same or a similar source for their fields. Mars no longer has a molten core. Our studies have revealed that there are parts of the crust of Mars that have been magnetized. We see that these areas have a residual magnetic field that has been left as an "impression" of the original magnetic field of the red planet. And that field has changed polarity at different times over the period when Mars still actually had a natural magnetic field and it magnetized portions of the crust. A link to the Wikipedia article on Mars is provided.

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15y ago
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14y ago

No unfortunately for us Mars's magnetic field does not have a magnetic field =( which means to terraform mars would be because of the threat of solar winds damaging mars atmosphere, unless we re start Mar's frozen core and make it active (which we think it was stopped when mars was hit by an asteroid larger than the one that hit earth and killed the dinosaurs, except the one that hit mars sheered off the top of Mars's north pole(we think)).

But back to the question, mars does have a strong crustal magnetic field so strong it surpasses earths crustal magnet field BYE FAR!!!! so mars does have one but not a strong or full magnetic field but one none the less.

if you what to learn about terraforming mars and red a good book read Kim Stanley Robinson's trilogy, red mars , green mars, blue mars.

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10y ago

Some scientists believe that due to its smaller size Mars cooled far more rapidly than the earth, causing its molten core to solidify. Without the ability of parts of its core to move around, no magnetism is generated.

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11y ago

Earth is the three plant from the sun and mars is the fourth plant from the sun

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11y ago

Yes but it is gone now

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Mars's gravity is 38% of Earth's gravity.

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