

What is the mass of 1.5E23 water molecules?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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10y ago

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1 mole H2O = 18.015g H2O = 6.022 x 1023 molecules H2O

1.5 x 1023 molecules H2O x 18.015g H2O/6.022 x 1023 molecules H2O = 4.5g H2O

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Q: What is the mass of 1.5E23 water molecules?
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Which one has more molecules 9 g of water or 9 g of suger (C12 H22 O11)?

Since the molecular mass of water is about 18 and the molecular mass of C12H22O11 is about 342, it takes considerably more molecules of water to make up 9 g than molecules of C12H22O11 to get the same mass.

What is the theoretical percentage of water of hydration in cacl2-2h20?

1. Find the molar mass of the hydrate (Calcium Chloride Dihydrate).Find the molar mass of water and the anhydrate (anhydrate + water = hydrate); add the molar mass values of each to find the molar mass of the hydrate.Molar Mass CaCl2: 110.98g+ Molar Mass H2O: 36.04g*Molar Mass CaCl2 * 2H2O: 147.01gFinding Molar Mass# atoms element A * atomic mass element A = Mass A# atoms element B * atomic mass element B = Mass B... etc.Add up all the mass values and you have the value for molar mass. Do this for both the anhydrate and the water molecules. Add these values together to find the molar mass of the hydrate.Molar Mass Anhydrate + Molar Mass Water Molecules* = Molar Mass Hydrate* Tip: the molar mass of water for all hydrate calculations is 18.02g x number of water molecules. This number may be useful to remember on the day of the test or while doing practice problems.*2. Calculate the percentage of water in hydrate.Divide the molar mass of water by the molar mass of the hydrate, and multiply result by 100%.36.04g147.01g x 100%Percent water in hydrate is 24.52%.

Does a molecule have mass?

Yes. For example water molecules (2 hydrogen connected to 1 oxygen atom) have a bent shape.

What is the mass of 500 trillion molecules of water?

500 trillion = 500x10^12 molecules = 5x10^14 molecules5x10^14 molecules x 1 mole/6.02x10^23 molecules x 18 gram/mole = 15x 10^-9 grams = 1.5x10^-8 gThis is obviously a very small amount of water.

Why does water vapour have less density?

Because the water molecules are spread over a larger volume in a vapour than they are in a solid.

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Does ice molecules has less mass than water molecules?

no it has more

Does changing the mass of water change the mass of one cubic centimeter of water?

You can change the mass of water in two ways: increase or decrease the amount of water or change the isotopic composition of the molecules of water. The first will have no effect on the mass of 1 cc of water. The second will. If you replace the hydrogen atoms in the "normal" water molecules with deuterium atoms you will increase the density (mass/cc) of the water.

Why does the volume of the water vapor increase and the mass remain constant When 1 gram of water is evaporated?

Mass is mass. It is constant. Changing water from liquid to gas does not change the mass, it only changes the density, which is mass per volume. Look at it another way - in gaseous form, the same mass of water has the same number of molecules of water - but those molecules are simply further apart.

Which one has more molecules 9 g of water or 9 g of suger (C12 H22 O11)?

Since the molecular mass of water is about 18 and the molecular mass of C12H22O11 is about 342, it takes considerably more molecules of water to make up 9 g than molecules of C12H22O11 to get the same mass.

When boiling water turns to steam what stays the same?

The mass of the water The number of molecules

When 1 gram of water is evaporated the volume of the water vapor increases but the mass remains constant     Why does the mass of the water remain constant?

There is no way that mass can be created or destroyed. Here is an informal way to consider the situation. When you evaporate the water, the distance between the molecules increases. But no new molecules are created (or destroyed). Well, the mass is not simply the total number of molecules - but this gives you an idea how this situation works.