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Should be flagellar motion since it has falgella

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Q: What is the Motion of pseudomonas fluorescens in hanging drop preparation?
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Brownian Motion

Would you expect Brownian motion to increase the longer you observe a hanging drop preparation?

Just by the sheer fact that any vibration of any kind can be considered Brownian motion for a hanging drop test. the longer you observe your bacteria, the more chance there are of Brownian motion interfering with your motility test ( I assume you're talking about the motility hanging drop, right?). It is because of this fact that the hanging drop test is quickly falling out of favor for more secure tests for motility, the semi-solid media being one of them.

Would you expect Brownian motion to increase the longer you observe a hanging drop or wet mount preparation?

Just by the sheer fact that any vibration of any kind can be considered Brownian motion for a hanging drop test. the longer you observe your bacteria, the more chance there are of Brownian motion interfering with your motility test ( I assume you're talking about the motility hanging drop, right?). It is because of this fact that the hanging drop test is quickly falling out of favor for more secure tests for motility, the semi-solid media being one of them.

Is the ball pen is at rest or in motion when the ball pen hanging on the yarn?

no,,, the ball pen is at rest or meaningful is sleep,,,thers no motion or forces acting on the ball pen when it hanging on to the yarn,,,,,,

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I don't now