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The output impedance of a common source amplifier circuit is typically high. This is because the common source amplifier uses a resistor to provide biasing, which results in a high output impedance. However, this can be mitigated by using a current source instead of a resistor for biasing.

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The dominant component of the output impedance is usually the drain resistance RD.

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Q: What is the output impedance of common source amplifier circuit?
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What are common uses of a common emitter amplifier?

bcause amplification factor beta is usually ranges from 20-500 hence this configuration gives appericiable current gain as well as voltage gain at its output on the other hand in the Common Collector configuration has very high input resistance(~750 kilo ohm) & very low output resistance(~25 ohm) so the voltage gain is always less than one & its most important application is for impedance matching for drivingh from low impedance load to high impedance source

When a transistor is required to match a 100W signal source with a high impedance output circuit then the connection that would be used is - a Common?

common base

What is function of an integrated circuit TL072?

A: It is a discontinue wide band amplifier 250 mega HZ I believe. Its function is to amplify those frequency with an 50 ohm output impedance

What are practical applications of a transformer coupled amplifier?

Well the purpose of the transformer in an amplifier is impedance matching. Lets say the transformer is on the input of a audio amp. Now the amp circuitry has an input impedance (this is important because matching the impedance gives us maximum power transferred from the input signal source to the amp circuit, and that increases performance) and a microphone has an output impedance. So if the microphone is 10,000 ohms and the amp circuit is 500 ohms then the transformer is designed to transform 10,000 ohms to 500 ohms for better signal transfer. If the trans former is on the output of an amplifier the trans former transforms the output impedance of the of the power amp circuit to the input impedance of the load. If the output is a speaker (usually 8 ohms ) and the output impedance of the amp circuit is 1000 ohms then for maximum power transfer the transformer trans forms 1000 ohms to 8 ohms. This was the case using electron tubes. Now with transistors, amplifier circuits can be built with lower output impedances (common collector circuit in a class B power amp) so the costly transformer can be eliminated. Also Audio transformers are made slightly different in design than power transformers. Ausio transformers are designed with higher resistance in the windings to enable a wider frequency response where as power transformers are designed with much lower resistance to keep heating minimized while passing only one power frequency (60 hertz) at large amounts of power. Roger

What does a jack do in an amplifier circuit?

A jack is a connector socket designed for the insertion of a plug. The plug can connect input, output, or auxiliary devices to the amplifier circuit.

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What is a common base NPN amplifier?

A common base NPN amplifier is used for high frequency applications as the base minimize oscillations at high frequency, separates the input and output. In a common base NPN amplifier the voltage gain is high, relatively low input impedance and high output impedance compared to the common collector.

In a multistage amplifier input impedance is high and output impedance is low justify the statement?

no. input impedance is low & output impedance is high

Will connecting speakers in series cause volume loss as the circuit progresses?

Yes. And it will also present the wrong load impedance (mismatch) at the output of the audio amplifier, with the possibility of damage to the amplifier.

What are common uses of a common emitter amplifier?

bcause amplification factor beta is usually ranges from 20-500 hence this configuration gives appericiable current gain as well as voltage gain at its output on the other hand in the Common Collector configuration has very high input resistance(~750 kilo ohm) & very low output resistance(~25 ohm) so the voltage gain is always less than one & its most important application is for impedance matching for drivingh from low impedance load to high impedance source

Will 4 ohm speakers work with a 6 ohm amplifier?

It's a myth. There is really no 6 Ohm amplifier on the market. And there never was. The amplifier will have an output impedance of around 0.04 ohms. In hi-fi we have always impedance bridging. Zout

Will it not cause short circuit you wire 2 ohm amplifier to a 4 ohm subwoofer?

Sorry, but there is no 2 ohm amplifier on the market, when you mean the output impedance. The impedance is always 0.5 ohms or less. We don't use impedance matching, we use voltage bridging. Scroll down to related links and look at "Interconnection of two audio units - power amplifier and passive loudspeaker".