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the people and employers

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Annabell Hickle

Lvl 13
โˆ™ 1y ago
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Lvl 13
โˆ™ 3mo ago

Meeting peopleโ€™s needs; taking care of the environment.

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Q: What is the primary goal of Socialism?
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What is the primary goal of an economic system?

It depends on the system,. Under capitalism the main goal is the making of profit. In Socialism the main goal is the meeting of peopleโ€™s needs.

What is the primary criticism against socialism?

The primary criticism against socialism is that it stifles the motivation to innovate since it provides welfare to the impoverished and imposes greater taxes on the wealthy.

What was fathers hidalgo primary goal?

Father Hidalgo's primary goal was for Mexico to be independent from Spain.

What is the primary goal of the RRI?

The primary goal of the RRI (Riverside Rehabilitation Institute) is to help their clients into progressing towards independence as their primary goal. This is achieved by supplying specialized care.

Primary in a sentence?

My primary goal is to pass this class.

What is the primary goal of all advertisements?

The primary goal of every advertisement is Branding