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photosynthesis is the reaction that converts thee suns energy into a form that we can use. there are many other chemical reactions involved in food but it all starts with photosynthesis. this is even responsible for our petrol gas and coal.

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13y ago

The term producer is another name for plants that can produce their own food from inorganic molecules found in air and water.

The answer to the question is photosynthesis.

Plants use photosynthesis to produce glucose (an energy rich nutrient) from carbon dioxide, water and sun light.

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9y ago

This process is known as photosynthesis. Plants and other organisms use light from the sun, turn it into chemical energy (sugars) and release it to fuel its activities and oxygen waste.

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13y ago

Photosynthesis or chemosynthesis.

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Q: What is the process in which producers make energy-rich nutrient molecules from chemicals?
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What are the organeles within cells where energy is released from nutrient molecules?

The mitochondria release energy from nutrient molecules and transform the energy into a usable form. They are one of the most important organelle in the cell.

How do the nutrients that enter your cells compare with the food you eat?

The food we eat is broken down into individual, microscopic nutrient molecules which enter the cell.

What is a chemical substance that an organism requires to live?

Nutrient. If working on word wise, the answers are 1. chemosynthesis 2. ? 3. nutrient 4. producers 5. binome 6. biogeochemical cycle

How do soil organisms affect the soil?

Soil organisms play an essential role in the breakdown of organic matter and other complex molecules. These activities are also linked to processes that lead to the aggregation of soil particles into a friable soil structure that is beneficial for the growth of plants. The inter-connected activities of soil organisms improve soil stability and underpin nutrient cycling on a global scale. Part 2 covers the chemical and physical processes associated with the activity of soil organisms including: (i) in nutrient cycling; (ii) in degrading complex molecules such as pesticides and chemicals that may contaminate the environment, and (iii) in soil stabilisation and other soil physical processes.Resource: SoilHealth .com

What are cell structures that breaks down nutrient molecules and old cell parts called?

The part of the cell brakes down food and old cell parts is call lysosome...

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Vitamins. They are known as co-enzymes.

Are all chemicals nutrient?

No. Some chemicals are so dangerous, that there is simply no creature that would consider this as a nutrient.

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the answer is the food nutrients si do with producers if the food is constructed of nutrient cycle?

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Yes. Every living thing on earth requires those three things. I just finished learning about that in class about a month and a half ago

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