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A rootkit is some kind of a Trojan that gives a hacker/cracker the access to your computer without you knowing it. It can come in a zip file or while Surfing online. Once the rootkit is installed on your computer, it sends a message to the cracker that he/she can now access the host machine. Then the cracker can use that machine as if it was his own.

So why do crackers do it? Well, for starters the challenge is there. Being able to see someone else's computer/ files gives them some weird satisfaction. But more importantly they do it to acquire personal information about the host. (addresses, phone numbers, birthdays, email addresses, bank information etc.) Most of the time they sell this info to other parties that are willing to pay a lot of bucks for it. (although now we give it for free via websites like facebook, if you know what i mean:) ) Another reason is that since they are using someone else's computer, it gives them the freedom to do things that otherwise they would get into trouble with their own machines. (visiting child-porn, hacking websites or chatting/ cybersex with minors). I know people that got into trouble like that.

A rootkit is hard to detect by using conventional antivirus software. Google "anti rootkit software" and you'll run into a bunch of software out there. Run this software regularly on your machine and you should be fine.

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What programme would you use to gain administrative rights to someones computer?

bot executive android rootkit worm

What is a rootkit virus?

It is a virus that stops your computer at startup. They are very effective because you cant turn on your computer to get rid of it.

What is a backdoor and rootkit virus?

A hole in the security of a system deliberately left in place by designers or maintainers. The motivation for such holes is not always sinister

What should be found in the best internet security software?

The best internet security software should consist of these qualities: Protection for the user, Antivirus capabilities, Firewall, Rootkit capabilities, and it should be able to detect trojans.

What is Rootkits?

Hi, A rootkit is some kind of a Trojan that gives a hacker/cracker the access to your computer without you knowing it. It can come in a zip file or while surfing online. Once the rootkit is installed on your computer, it sends a message to the cracker that he/she can now access the host machine. Then the cracker can use that machine as if it was his own. So why do crackers do it? Well, for starters the challenge is there. Being able to see someone else's computer/ files gives them some weird satisfaction. But more importantly they do it to acquire personal information about the host. (addresses, phone numbers, birthdays, email addresses, bank information etc.) Most of the time they sell this info to other parties that are willing to pay a lot of bucks for it. (although now we give it for free via websites like facebook, if you know what i mean:) ) Another reason is that since they are using someone else's computer, it gives them the freedom to do things that otherwise they would get into trouble with their own machines. (visiting child-porn, hacking websites or chatting/ cybersex with minors). I know people that got into trouble like that. A rootkit is hard to detect by using conventional antivirus software. Google "anti rootkit software" and you'll run into a bunch of software out there. Run this software regularly on your machine and you should be fine.

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Rootkit revealer and backlight.

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Name two anti rootkit products?

rootkit revealer by sysinternals. Backlight by F-secure.

What is an anti-root software?

I believe you are referring to anti-rootkit software. Firstly, a rootkit is something that allows other threats (eg. viruses, spyware) to hide themselves. (Rootkits are often bundled with keyloggers or trojans.) Therefore, conventional anti-virus products cannot remove them because they are hidden. Anti-rootkit software is designed to remove the rootkit.

What programme would you use to gain administrative rights to someones computer?

bot executive android rootkit worm

What two methods does anti-rootkit software use to detect a rootkit?

The software looks for running processes that don't match up with the underlying program filename, and the software compares files, registry entries, and processes provided by the OS to the list it generates from the raw data. If the list differ, a rootkit is suspected.